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Where is Petco's corporate headquarters?
Petco is headquartered in San Diego, California.
Where is the company incorporated?
Petco is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
When did Petco go public?
Petco completed its Initial Public Offering in January 2021.
What is Petco’s fiscal year?
Petco reports on the basis of a 52- or 53-week fiscal year, which ends on the Saturday closest to January 31.
How is Petco's stock traded?
Petco’s Class A common stock is listed on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol WOOF.
Does Petco pay dividends?
At the present time, Petco does not pay a dividend.
Who should I contact regarding my stock certificate (Transfer Agent)?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC.
Does Petco have a direct stock purchase plan?
Petco does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Who is Petco's auditor?
Petco’s auditor is Ernst & Young.
How can I request financial materials?
You can visit the SEC Filings section of Petco’s investor relations website to download financial documents.
How can I access Petco’s earnings webcast?
Quarterly earnings webcast information will be located in the News & Events section within the investor relations area of our website.